Domain Driven Design Resources to Enjoy while in Lockdown

As many of us hunker down in our homes during the COVID-19 crisis, we are all looking for things to do. I’ve been having a go at making a sourdough starter and reading books that have been sitting on my bookshelf for more years than I dare to admit.
I have been putting together a collection of resources that I’ve been given or have found over the years. So, if you’re at home and you’re at a loss for something to learn (or you’re still waiting on that Sourdough to be ready), here is a selection of useful links, books and resources that will help you on your way to learning more about DDD.
- DDD Europe YouTube Channel - a selection of quality talks from previous DDD Europe Conferences.
- Domain-Driven Design: Hidden Lessons from the Big Blue Book - entertaining and insightful talk from Nick Tune.
- Virtual DDD Archive on YouTube - recordings of previous Virtual DDD meetups.
- KanDDDinsky YouTube Channel - talks from the KanDDDinsky DDD conference.
- Playlist of talks from Greg Young
Heads Up: These resources cost money.
- Eric Evans Video Series - a collection of e-learning videos presented by the author of the “blue book” Eric Evans.
- Greg Young’s CQRS Class - a collection of training videos presented by Greg Young, the creator of CQRS.
Tools & Techniques
- DDD Heuristics - Heuristics to share and use for designing software.
- Domain Storytelling - a neat approach where we record stories from our domain experts using pictographic language.
- Event Storming - a “flexible workshop format for collaborative exploration of complex business domains.”
- Domain-Driven Design Distilled - A great primer to read when you want to be introduced to Domain Driven Design quickly.
- Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software - The “Blue Book” aka. the reason this blog post exists.
- Implementing Domain-Driven Design - Also known as the “Red Book.”
- Patterns, Principles, and Practices of Domain-Driven Design
- Hands-On Domain-Driven Design with .NET Core - Implementing all those things you’ve read about in the above books.
- Introducing EventStorming - from Alberto Brandolini.
- Domain Driven Design Belfast - Shameless plug: organised by Jason Mitchell and myself.
- Virtual DDD - An online meetup, rather handy in these times.
- DDD, CQRS & ES Slack - Free and open for anyone to join.
- Domain Driven Design Europe (DDD EU) - Europe’s Flagship DDD conference.
- KanDDDinsky
- Explore DDD Conference - Popular DDD Conference in the US.
Other Lists
- Awesome DDD - A curated list of Domain-Driven Design (DDD), Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS), Event Sourcing, and Event Storming resources.
If you find any more items, I’d love to hear from you. Ping me a message on Twitter at @amogram.